Bounty Hunters

ok i have seen this on countless amount of games and its wonderful.. Create a bulletin board in winery where players can post a bounty on another person. the player can post the bounty annonimusly so that it can eliminate any possible threat of the hunted finding out who posted the bounty. as the player posts the bounty he/she will also provide to the game a price to be paid to the bounty hunter upon completion of the task. ( fist come first server - meaning that a player can not claim the propistion and w8t 2 weeks down the road to do it, instead, the first person to do so will claim the reward ) there shou;d be a min fee for the service tho - cost should include the price of the BC sphere as wel as a fee for the service, based on the player who is posting the bounty - ex - 25s /50s /75s / 1g ( max being 1g ) now with that said a great addition would be to include a Bounty Hunter ( BH ) rep, maybe the same aquired rep amounts as a bc would provide. the only difference is that if a players accepts the bounty he or she should be provided with a negaitve effect if unable to complete such as a witdrawl of coin 25s / 50s max values.
very much would like to see this idea used :)
Wonderful idea.
great idea
This sounds fun.
I think this too a good idea... you could even expand it to hitting a clan in particular... say 25 hits on a clan... all not the same member and only 2 allowed per clan per week
thnx guys alwasy good to get some feedback maybe one of these days they will ACTUALLY listen to some of our suggestions for new content lol ut i doubt it lol
it actually does sound like a great idea
very much a good idea! would be great to impliment a new rep along side bc rep also to encourage a more pro-active pvp game, as well as admins should think the more time spent getting bc rep the more likely people will buy bc items that cost reals which means more cash generated for the game which we all know admins care about
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