Purple valor gears for gold

Since the new gears are coming up which would be better than the purple gears now, would it be possible to make the purple gears purchasable for gold?

Well before complications arise, I have 3 different suggestions:

1) Just like the various consumables in game which are available for reals and gold (value at 2x of the reals), please make the purple valor gears buyable for gold at 2x of the reals.

2) If option 1 is not possible, then make these purple gears transferable on purchase, non-transferable when equipped. That way the real paying players buying them can sell these to the non real paying players at desired profit.

3) If both option 1 and 2 are impossible, then like palars in profession, please introduce a collection set for 'Gaining Valors', which once completed would enable us to purchase the purple gears for gold.

I know that many have obtained purple gears without paypalling thanks to trade through chest, but it takes serious hard work and time to get this sort of trade done ( given you find ppl who can trade you reals for gold). If you implement 1 of the 3 options it could make the game a little more easier for those who cant/dont paypal.

You could keep the master of element marks for various reps in Reals, those are obtainable given time...

Thank you
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