familiar idea

Please note I am keeping the names off as I have no clue to which I should use and can not think of any originals. Also I am writing this offline. Plus I think these would be cool to be released on the 1 year anniversary of the official release game.

Some back story:

official- Great warrior the meteor that fell from the sky last night. We wish you to look into it.

From here you go to distant location. I'm thinking the fort or the lighthouse. I'm not sure of a good location. However you see some dozen of the skrags attacking glowing seeming creatures. While getting a closer look at one of the beings the skrag turn their attention to you.

This is the first time you will get a bonus from a familiar. For the battle you will have 5 buffs at 100% occurrence considering you will be fighting 24 lvl 24 scrag. The five buffs will be the starting familiars you will have the option of getting.

Saint- regenerate 1% health every round. (normal every 4)
Guardian- increase defend chance by 50% (normal 5%)
Hunter- increase evasion chance by 50% (normal 5%)
Charger- increase critical chance by 50% (normal 5%)
Assaulter- increase chance of duplicate free attacks by 50% (normal 1%)

predictably the fight should be easy but long. These buffs will also be given to your dragon bty.

After the fight the blue sprite (the saint), it will call itself, tells you that they are travelers from another world. That they fled from a lost war from similar creatures that you just defeated (going back into the alien helm quests) and they are now refugees. After a moment of thought you decide to bring them to a higher authority than your own.

Authority figure (after some time sifting threw some old records)- You have made a great discovery here warrior. These are spiritians. Visitors who aid wayward travelers. They aid by lending using unique talents in enhancing a warrior such as yourself. They seem to take a shine to you. Perhaps they will lend you their aid once more.

End of quest 1

quest 2 from the Assaulter in winery crossroads.

Assaulter- Friend we have rented a room in the inn and me and the others have started renting our services to warriors such as yourself. However to only one at a time and in a limited ability. There is a balance to the land and we do what we can to keep the balance. It is our way of thanks to those who took us in. However there are others than we you saved the other day. If you can help us locate them it is agreed to lend you our services for free whenever you want.

Task1- search out information on other recent falling star sightings.
Talk to witness (in order) at outside sadar, outside valor, sadar dock, winery, valor dock, landor village, pond of tribulations, where tin mine is beside landor, brewery, outside fort, crystal meadow and finally ancient temple. (I know a LOT of running around. Hehehe!) which you will go back to winery to report your findings and you will be given your next task.

Task2- recon possible crash sights. Point wyven, the two places past the city ports, and the other new place like PW. Each will have sprites being attacked like the first battle. This time only 2 skrag and 4 fights at each place. Assault will be buff at 50% like before but the others will not be available yet.

Assault- Thank you warrior for doing as asked. Our appreciation is unending to you. If ever you need our aid look for our assistant at the inn. It turns out we tend to spook travelers who see us for the first time. So we will leave to let you be and come to aid when called by our assistant. Be sure to check on us often. On occasion we may have one of our rarer spirits available to help you.

Quest end- unlock familiar usage

along with normal free costing (grey/default) spirits there will be a list of 3 purchasable (green/uncommon or better blue/rare or even better purple/super rare) sprites available. The red/ultra rare and gold/unique sprites can only be obtained by “buying them from slavery” with gold or reals. Once purchased they will remain unlocked and available to be gotten again in the random occurrence at discount. Refreshing list ahead of schedule is 1 real and the free reset will be at midnight GT

Once a familiar is gotten it will remain equipped until replaced or their power runs out and they need to rest. Depending on the quality that will be from 10 uses (grey/normal) to 250 uses (gold/unique) and they will recharge 1 use every minute but they will leave once their count goes to 0. Then you will have to get it again from the inn. Unlike orbs they can not be turned off unless outside of battle.
cool quest script
sounds like fun
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