stuff I think would be cool

I know none of these will be made but I thought it would be cool to see some of the items I thought would be cool in game

Amulet of the great dragons- amulet- gold amulet of a dragon head- increase all characters base stats by 10% and blessing of the great dragons

Blessing of the great dragons- immunity from wraith and curses

Blessed form of the 'element' dragon master- suit- a suit that transforms the wearer into a humanoid dragon. Item icon a dragon figure- increase wisdom by 10 and master of the 'element' magic

Master of the 'element' magic- increase damage of 'element' magic by 25%. resist 10% all magic damage.

Ring/earring of the 'element'- ring/earring- a ring with a(n) 'element' essence as the jewel- increase wisdom by 8 and apprentice of 'element' magic

Apprentice of 'element' magic- increase damage of 'element' magic by 5%

Symbol of the healer- charm- a red cross- increase vitality by 100 and healers blessing

Healers blessing- heal 1.5% max health every two turns. Is not effected by glyphs.

Brace of the elite- bracer- a bracer with sword and shield symbols clashing- increase intuition/will/ by 100 and elite training

Elite training- a glowing ax- Increase attack by 5% and block/evade/crit chance by 1%

edit: BTY I would love to have a set of all order type if I was going to get something for this post
nice idea man
but most those items would have to be purple to red and have a countdown timer on them and buffs would probably be 3-25g or all reals
but yes they would make the game more amusing
I very doubt they will be made but if I had to price them they would be

50 Real for the amulet

2500 REAL for the suit. 999 endurance ans worth 1s

ring/earrings 30 G/R for a set

charm/brace 20 G/R each

the amulet would last 90 days, the other accessories would be 30 and the suit would be a permanent item due to it;s high cost. Note only 6 suits total would be available for all players. 1 for each element. sense I made them I think I should get the order one for free... But an 'imitation' suit could sell for 50 Real for 90 days like the amulet. bty other than the amulet, which is suited for all class, these items are restricted to the classes they can work with.

edit: also these items will make magic casters not brawlers, like the majority of players are now. as with the high magic intake but low other stats. these items will carry no health or defensive properties other than against magic attacks. physical attackers will have an early advantage but will loose that when the mana starts to build... immagine using a lvl 6 direct spell each turn and still gaining mana... that is the principle behind these items
love the idea all together but 2500 buck is a little much n o i would try more like 250 max
and would you be a dragon with your armour showing or have i different type of armour all together
like EX:
you buy a barbarian helm and you equip it it will become a great dragon helm or something? like as to show more skin and show off your suit?">">
Moved to suggestions.
oh... cool I made this as a joke but to actually be taken serious is cool. war the suit would be over your armor. it will still be there but not shown on your body. except your weapon and armor
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