Duel Of Truth

Might I suggest alternating the Duel of Truth times and/or days? It is not fair to those of us that work the same schedule all the time and are not able to participate ever.

Some suggestions on this have been:

Breaking it up so that only one bracket is fighting on a given day, then have a rotating schedule that shifts every two weeks. Something like this.

Monday ten am.
Tuesday six pm.
Wednesday noon.
Thursday eight pm.
Friday two am.
Saturday four am.

All times would be server time of course, but with the wide variation everyone should be able to get into duels eventually.

Each bracket could sit in the same time slot for two weeks, then move to the next one. This would allow more people the chance to get into each duel. This would also ease the strain on the game, and would cut down on the "duel of shame" type threads, in the bugs section.

Move the time for DOT by 3-7 hours each week giving everyone an opportunity to do it.

I think I speak for a great many players when I say that it is disappointing to not be able to participate in something that is so beneficial in regards to Valor and Experience among other things. I would greatly appreciate consideration of this.

Thanks for reading,

LL of DD
I have been saying for ages! they are being dumb/silent!
ITs being an advantage to a few players and its screwing the rest of us!!

I managed to come online for duel for about 20-30mins and I got like 3-4k of valor >>

For that same amount of valor -> I need to win 4-5 fights in arenas or atleast play 10-12 fights with wins and losses!! And this might take half a day considering how lazy people are to get into arenas!
Not to forget - the crap amount of pots/buffs required!!!!

Or make 2 DoT's per week per bracket!
Let the players who participated in the first not participate in the second >>
I agree. Please take this into consideration. All players should have the same opportunities for DoT and ToH.
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