Summon All (Fianites) Tab

Could we get the tab to click summon "all" on our skellies relocated or placed ABOVE the Fianites on our Fiolar? It would prevent people from accidentally summoning all of their skellies by mistake when clicking on a chat tab. I have done this several times due to lag or just bumping mouse when going to select a chat tab and it is very annoying and have heard many others have done by mistake as well. It would be a simple fix for when people don't feel like wasting summons or using them when people have agreed not to in a match. I usually find this happens when I go to click on the "Current Battle" chat tab when I see someone has typed something. The tabs are just too close together. Please and thank you ">
yeah i have done the same before and it IS very annoying seeing as how people will never trust you to fight in a non summoning battle, also quite costly if your gonna be buying skellies just for that reason
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