Reals, reals and oh yeah, more reals...

You have blue dragon items for lower valour levels, these cost reals, you have blue dragon items for the higher valour levels, again, reals. You have recently added dragon items for pirate reputation, again... reals. Can something be added that doesn't cost reals??? The differences are becoming huge, there should be some option to buy with gold. (Like how for my armour I have blue pieces, but for reals I can get purple pieces, maybe do the same with dragon items, similar things, but with slightly less stats). Having nothing for us for gold is just wrong, we earnt the valour rank just like those with reals so we should have something new to buy too.

Also could you please put some things in for pirate rep that are for gold (and i don't mean horns and codex's i mean the accesories) because you've basically alienated a ton of people from this.

People who pay reals already have a huge advantage, but the more you add, the more unfair it's getting. Those who don't have the money to put a ton of reals in have to work twice as hard for everything they have (anyone who makes money from essence farming will totally know how i feel right now). It's a lot more difficult to make our own money than it is to type in a credit card number, and it's about time we got a fair chance at this.
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