Please make friends list bigger.

I'm speaking for myself and a LOT of people on here. Having a friends list max of 50 is ridiculous. Those of us who have been here for months know a lot more people than 50. There are people you arena with, other clan leaders, members of allied clans, people you talk to alot, people you elite with, for some it's people to cave with and fort. For me I have potential clannies that I befriend whilst they're working on something. People that I help out when needed etc etc. The list goes on, and I know it's the same for a vast majority, there is NO way that we can keep this down to 50. & being friends with somebody where neither of you can add each other it's just getting annoying.

So I ask you, please can we just make friends list unlimited. It doesn't do any harm, there's no reason why there should be a limit on it what so ever.
HAHAHA only you would need a bigger or unlimited friends list...anyway i agree, that the friends list should be there anyone you don't know in D.E??? ">">
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