
I understand and love the improvments done to the game!

But when so many vast things are available - how can one be expected to have space to hold them?
I currently have a tarven and backpack with 28 space!
And i am more tending towards having 40 items requiring space in my backpack!

The reason why I cant reduce them are :
1) There are different types of marks
2) Different stuff that could be produced by professions
3) Different sparks
4) Different elixirs,endurance, glyphs
5) Different food
6) Different orbs
7) Different equipments
8) Different recipes which cant be learnt at the current levels.

How can one be expected to carry these with such a limited space?
Even with the mount, its backpack and protector reputation, holding that many amount of items appears pretty much impossible!
you can have more than one mount each with a bag and saddle upping your backpack space total.
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