Replicants on steriods

There are a lot of good improvements with-in the game that have been made for the better, but one so called improvement that has been done as of late is the replicants that are in the battlegrounds. Myself and others feel that it is overkill and it one sides the battles way to much. First of all the 36-43 level group one come out with 11k+ hit points and if real player enters battle mounted so does the replicant and second it now summons a dragon when added to the extremeness of the replicant. The replicant now more times than none cause top damage within the battle Which in a sense takes away from the valor that the real players may gain from it. Others and myself urge that you please reprogram the replicants to make them more equal to the average palyer of that level not pump them full of steroids as u have done. thank you
yes they are very hard to kill.. i feel like ti should be changed but some things in this game do not get changed alot i hope this works out for the best ">">
it sorry about that

the replicants are so bliming annoying honestly i mean their fricking helath is so high sure you get more exp for it but honestly being mountedAND being able to summon a dragon is unfair FTW VANDAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see the point of reps..they allow 5 real players, etc. to go into combat against one another. Okay, that's fine. BUT, I do agree that the instant dragon summoning and mount use is a bit excessive. I also understand the logic of beefing them up a little because they don't use pots, etc...but it seems to be a little on the extreme side. Those of us still trying to work on valor are having a hard time even getting a 2 on 2 fight because players are getting discouraged and the cost of repairs isn't worth what little valor may be gotten from participating.
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