Change of Dot Times and or days to lessen the amount of Latency that the majority of players experience

As a Guard and as a player i love all the aspects of DE, and since Dot has been runing i love it even more so. But over the past 2 months i have a lot of players offer feedback on the lagdisrupting and how its disrupting their game play. With only 2 days being used for the pvp events it adds a lot of starain on the servers. There are 7 days in a week and we have 6 level brackets that take part in the Dot. Iam suggesting maybe each level range be permitted to its own day of the week, Monday - Saturday with no evernts on sundays. I strongly beleave that by doing so the servers will be less strained / players will have less of an issue ( not being able to attack in battles, missing complete turns, not being able to heal due to lag, having to refresh but to only come back to a dead player etc etc. ) Iam sure many who are like me want to continue doing these pvp events, but the continuing problems that they have may divert them away from the majority of the pvp aspect ( which is amazing by the way ). ">
sooo true i do recommend this idea of having dot on seperate days for each bracket and i belive that it may well have a big impact on there being a less of a lag issue. well said Tigrin
yes, great idea, I totally agree.
As long as my bracet is on weekend im down for that xD
I agree completely with this. Spreading the load on servers will help reduce lag and disconnection
Great Idea.. I soo totally agree..
great idea, but I wonder could it happen twice in a day for a bracket? there are so many people all over the world playing that it would let everyone get more opportunity to participate
Very good idea!!!

Splitting the DoT into each different bracket and placing them on different days would really help the servers. I love this idea.

A rotation of times is necessary to help players from all timezones in getting into the DoTs. Yes, it has been mentionned in like...10 threads already but add them up and you have a lot of players not happy about static times for the DoT. Alternating every week, 2 weeks should not be that impossible to do, right? Especially if you have less players overloading the server.

The DoT is greatly appreciated by a majority of the players and they want to participate. This event seems to be a good attraction so use it properly and make it playable by all. Server crashes and lagging make players unhappy. Some spend reals to buy buffs and pots to help them in the fights. Since this is making you guys money, it would be greatly appreciated if they could actually benefit from them while the DoT is active, instead of having it crash on them.

A satisfied customer will keep buying the product. A customer that is not satisfied stops spending.
I totally agree with Tigrin's argument because of the following reasons:

1. I have a slow computer and its hard for me to participate in a pvp events (like Dot) because I get lags during the event.

2. Every time I get a lag during an event I and I come back Im always dead and sometimes with the feeling that I couldnt help my team mates because my server lagged right when the battle started - I dont even have time to use an Flawless Elixir of Endurance or any other pots.

3. I strongly beleave that by doing so the servers will be less strained / players will have less of an issue ( not being able to attack in battles, missing complete turns, not being able to heal due to lag, having to refresh but to only come back to a dead player etc etc.) <--- And if this happens we will have a true pvp events. Events were players can show their true potential, not events were a player misses turns or were a player doesnt even attack due to lags.

4. I love pvp events (especially Dot) because you gain Experience and Valaor but due to lags I dont gain as much. When my computer gets slow I barely have chance to attack, but other times I get a lag and Im not able to fight and if when I refresh my server my character is dead (happens a lot to me).

5. I have been in Dot events a few times and there was only one time were I didnt get a lag.

6. Lags are a disadvantage for some players but an advantage for others. Ex: Sometimes I see that players miss turns in AoH ( and Im guessing that is due to lags) and I take that as an advatage for me and for the other players that are at my side, but that doesnt mean that it is fair to the players that are in the other side. And the same thing might happen in the Dot. Which is not fair because everyone should have the right to fairly fight without getting lags.

Dot is an Important battle and It is not fair that a player gets a lag because that doesnt determines who the real winner is. So, with all my honesty things SHOULD be done this way. That would be better for players like me.
nice idea! Tigrin +1

sell fish!
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