I've read through the suggestions, but for the following...

1) sound for privet messages:
if you could insert some sort of beep or other sound effect for the privet messages sent to the player, then that would be amazing, because I don't like missing a message sent to me when I'm not paying attention.

2) cheaper/more weapons and armor:
ok, I've seen this once or twice, but not much has been done about it. I still have weak weapons, and my armor isn't much better. I'm also running out of money to buy and repair my equipment.

3) easier battles:
another one I've seen a few times, but nothing is happening about it. I am level 13, but I can't get past a LEVEL 9 QUEST, and it's REALLY starting to annoy me.

4) pets
another I've seen. having a pet within the game would make playing SOOO much easier to play. Some pets could attack the enemy, even while you're dead. Some other pets could defend you and absorb damage. Others could do both, while others still could gust sit there for show. I realize that the pets would take a while to work on, and will most likely be insanely expensive, but i still look foreword to seeing them in the game.

5) breeding dragons
this suggestion I like, because I was going to suggest it myself. But two modifications I would make would be to do something like a cross breed for the dragons of two married players. For example, breed a fire dragon and an earth dragon together, a air dragon and an earth dragon, etc. Then cross breed them with the children of a water dragon and a earth/air dragon, and continue doing this until all six elements are in a single dragon, which is one of two unique dragons (depending on how well you raised them). A Pure Dragon (raised well and with love), or a Shadow Dragon (raised poorly or with neglect). Four eggs should be laid at one time and shouldn't weigh anything in the inventory, so both the dragon's owners (the players themselves) can each carry two eggs at a time. The eggs should hatch within about a week of playing. If one player is inactive, then the other player can still raise the other baby dragons and later breed them (a random dragon element for each of the four eggs, one male, one female, automatically given to each player after a notification pops up notifying the two players that the eggs have been lain.

6) raising a dragon hatching
raising a dragon should take about two weeks from a new born to a mature dragon, wherein they breed, and fly off. If the player is patent and treats the dragons well, then four new eggs will be automatically put into your inventory, for four new dragons. If the dragons were neglected, only two eggs will be found. Thus, the player can continue the happy circle of dragon life, even after a divorce from the other player with the other two original eggs.

7) time-zone settings
I don't know about the rest of you, but I would like to change the time settings for my computer so i don't have to figure out that 19:24 means 7:24 pm, which is actually 11:24 am or 12:24 am.

8) think of more ideas
I have run out of ideas for now, but I will try to think of some more and will come back to edit and add them. Until then, happy playing!
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