Trader Collections
I was wondering if it would be interesting if there was a collection for hard working traders who work to support their careers and reputations as well as make a good income. I was thinking that a collection such as this would require players to gain reputation when selling items over the auction house. And making a sale would entitle them to a certain number of points. Selling rare items or items which are hard to come by could make more reputation points for the player. Also, trading resources could be rewarded as well. Maybe points can be allocated by income too, or number of auctions held and even how fast the item is sold. "> ">
How about a Monthly crown for the best farmer, hunter etc - with the month's overall top grower/professional getting the biggest prize. (Totals based on all trades; farming, hunting, mining, fishing)
Prizes for the top 3 farmers, for example, could be special seed that grows a special food increasing stats etc. Top player gets a trophy, title, gold (even Reals), and bragging rights. Top Jeweller for the month gets a recipe to make special charms; immunity to wraith attacks for a week, doubling of stats for one fight, whatever.
Lots of potential. awesome idea.