A request

Can the person who messed up the additional useless militiaman concept- start to mend the code so that for the next sets of duels- SADAR HAS THEM instead of vaaalor?

Im sick and tired of the way it is planned to be balanced! 8k hp -> how much do u think this is to a player? Players with blue weapons do about 7k damage in a total fight!

But if the opponent happens to be having good stats and having the level 28 - they dont tend to make more than 6k mostly!

Having 5 of those stupid militiaman - u can understand that to default them we would have to use up atleast 10 players from Sadar side!

If you guys have been following your "so called experiements right" - then you would have realized already that by implementing a few of those n00b's - the game really gets imbalanced.
we had 10living and 55 dead compared to 29 living and 48 dead on vaalor side!

So, whats the result of that damn concept of militiaman? it just caused sadar to have 65 people compared to vaalor having 77 people!

If this is called balancing - then goto the skrag caves and join their military forces!

please refer that report and see the damage they have done! and hw many players would be dead due to that!
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