game economy

i hate to break this to you, but the game economy is dead; completely dead. so, something must be done about this.
so here's some ideas: first off, the stuff you get in the caves should only be available to get from the caves; the caves are like a dungeon run, where people get a lot of loot (they're called dungeons in other games). also these items should be transferable. also, these armour items should start being dropped at a higher level, than the requirements. For example, if you are lvl 20, you should drop stuff for level 10; if you are lvl 30, drop stuff for level 20; if you are lvl 40, drop stuff for lvl 30, and so on.
here's my point: if the items would drop only in the caves and only for higher people than the level requirements, they can sell these to lower players; everybody these days just waits to get to lvl 16 and to go to the caves, and get these stuff for free. Now, if they knew that they can only get the stuff at a higher level, let's say lvl 20-25, they will surely buy them when they are lvl 10-13. This way, a cycle will be created; this way people won't wait 10-20 levels just to get an item for free; this way the items will get cheaper, and will actually be sold. There are many people in game, with a bunch of items that can't be sold at all. Why? Because people are just waiting to level up, and get them for free from the caves. Thus, the economy goes nowhere.

Hope you will take my ideas into consideration, and do something about the economy; because this way, we're getting nowhere, and it's beginning to be a boring game. Must say, i love the game, and the dynamics and everything, but without knowing that you're never gonna have more than 10gold in your bag, won't get you far in the game.

Have a good one.

P.S. and you could follow my advice, unless you've already thought this through and you're just leaving it as it is, because this way people will just use real money; you see, there's also this catch: people need in-game gold, but they cant sell anything in the auction house, so they turn to buying Reals to turn them into gold. But i hope you're not that kind of people, and that making your players/clients happy is the most important thing.
Market is working ... ok, not great, but ok. If you are willing to put in the time selling resources, essences etc you can make a good income each week with our fluctuating in-game market. Prices for items, on the other hand, are dropping all the time as supply outstrips demand big time. Imagine if we increase that supply by allowing Cave items etc free reign on the open market?
seems to me your right nonis something has to be done. i spent 20 bucks to get where i am and im still stuck. this game seems to be all about the money not about the players.. i am getting very disappointed with it as well
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