Suggest to improve Landslide magic II to VII damage amount

Current Landslide II to Landslide VII makes similar amount of damage at round 2 to 8, i.e. 4-6 damage. So that means that upgrading Landslide magic to higher levels only result in increase damage at round 1. This is however not the case for the other elements where upgrade results in increased damage from round 1 to 8.

This makes Landslide II to VII exceptionally weak when you compared with the other elements. Please look at rebalancing the damage for Landslide II to VII, i.e. getting their round 2 to 8 damage increased as well with each upgrade.
Yes that would really help me i dont even use it because of that reason
This does not sounds right. Did some calculation...
Landslide VI mana 128/Avg damage for 8 rounds = 53.5==>Avg damage per mana=0.418.
Lightning VI mana 128/Avg damage 124 ==> Avg damage per mana=0.969 and has effect to restore player health
Seal of Wounding VI mana 141/Avg damage 152 ==>Avg damage per mana=1.078 and has effect +5% chaos magic to target
Diving Retribution VI mana 125/Avg damage 216 ==>Avg damage per mana=1.728 and has effect -8.3% vulnerability to damage
Fire of Chain VI mana 128/Avg damage 104==>Avg damage per mana=0.8125 and has effect weaken target magic att by 30%
Shard of Ice VI mana 128/Avg damage 96==>Avg damage per mana=0.75 and has chance to weaken target attack

Conclusion - Landslide magic has lowest overall total damage and has no addition spell effect. Upgrading Landslide to higher level result in mediocre increase in damage and also decreases damage-to-mana ratio
Considering the resources used to get this high level spell, I am glad this has been posted as I will now advise against leveling it up as a total waste of time.
also maybe u haven't noticed

landslide doen't actually have any effect

i've made a post about it u should all have a look

but landslide is the only DoT that doesn't have any effect
have you all actually used the spell / watched the effects? The description is a typo - Landslide lvl 2 through 6 does the same damage on rounds 2-8 as it does on round 1.

As for the effect - from watching it (as I use it a lot) I would say that it has a similar effect to Sub Fury, in that it does more criticals as I see more red numbers compared to using Seal of Wounding.
Well, if it does increase Intuition for the spell duration, then it should say in the description. If not, then we wouldn't really know. The players need to know if the spell has any other affect other than a little more damage than other DoT's.

If the spell has only pure damage, I believe, it should be buffed.
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