Battleground team split mechanics

I've noticed that the Battleground PVP battles are a bit unbalanced. It seems that the teams are decided based on player level with no allowance made for player rank, which makes a huge difference in the actual outcome of the battle.

my suggestion is that both rank and reputation somehow be factored into the mechanics of the team determination in the Battleground battles.

i agree, there are times where is it so lopsided one side stands no chance
Rank/Reputation/Current Gear/Belts and possibly even orbs COULD be taken into account, but thats a lot of scripting =(
yeah im not gonna lie there have been TONS of fights ive botched and not healed during cause im not wasting my pots on fights that are gonna end up being a loss anyway, ive been in arena fights where one team has 3 belts the other has none and its just total BS so i just say "F" it and not even worry about healing, im not getting anything out of it and i am sure as hell not feeding someone else, if i had a chance yeah ill fight but i am NOT going to try against a battle i can see from 1000 miles away that im gonna lose, in the past 3 days the combined total of arenas/7b which is about 50+ ive won maybe a total of 7 of those fights because of how uneven the teams due to how many actually have the blue belt, even the 3000 gladiator rep one throws things off *not mentioning names* but yeah take rank into consideration for at least lvl 25+ that can get the belt and throw the outcome of the battle entirely off, ive come to the conclusion that im about ready to just stop doing arena due to how retardedly lopsided the battles are, and during duels of truth my armor doesnt get damaged, but yeah im sure people are getting pretty pissed off about how uneven the teams can be, i for one am one of them
i understand where your coming from, its a frustration having to waste pots in a fight where you KNOW you cant win, i just off balance that in thinking that the more damage i do, the more xp/valor i do :)

yeah i was just in a 7b fight that i cant even link here from the game the forum is even for! i cant show them the bullcrap that goes on, 3 effing belts vs 0, no thats just straight crap, hell id give a link but i cant link outside sources which i dont get because this is the forum to the game itself?
that my friend the mighty malious is absolutely true , sometimes i sse oponents way lower level in both ranks and exp , this needs to be fixed to almost same ranks and exp levels matching , to give both sides a great opertunity for valors and exp :) thanks for the thought malious ">
you could even introduce some sort of scaling?? like applying a random buff that increases strength on a lower level??
Agreed. I put a rant post in main on this topic. Something needs to be done. Regardless if I am on the dominant side or the weak side, it's just not fair. Even the battle out to make it more fun and consistent.
why i cant post the link ?
i think i may have an idea on how to balance arenas, dont just even out the levels, but also try to base it on total belt capacity of the entire team (yeah replicants are gonna make that a pain in the arse or just dont include them as "belt capacity" or something) but id say the team with more higher levels gets slightly less total belt capacity and the team with more lower levels gets slightly higher to keep it balanced in some way, this may even out at least the 22-28 arena cause getting obliterated in a 4v4 fight when 3 members of one side has 21 heal pots in them self, not including the 4th guy that doesnt have a belt which brings their running total to 25 heals total for the team pot wise, and for that same 4v4 fight being on the side where the total healing ability is about 16 pots? is it me or is exteremely hard to take out that type of disadvantage, ive been accused for "selling fights" cause i dont see the point in fighting against a complete obliteration, i mean fights like this completely suck the fun out of the arena, thats just my opinion but im sure others would agree that getting your arse handed to you on a silver platter on a constant basis would stop being fun after the first few times
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