
i believe that the guardians should have thier own tab alongside "near" "friends" "raid" etc. that should be visable to all players so that they can be easier to access and talk to if need be
I actually like this suggestion. It can show who the Guardians much easier, and if they are online or not to answer questions and concerns about the game. There have been times when I've been the only Guardian on doing a shift in Academy and had a player wondering to Academy hoping a guard will be open.

I support this idea as well. I get alot of new people asking who are you? When a Guard gives a warning or answers a question or anything a Guard says. It would be nice to have a tab to the side for the Guardians so players can see who the Guardians are. Whos on duty and in wich area. Plus for peole who impersonate Guards it would be harder for them to do it if there was a tab to show who the real Guardians are. In addition to Nathalias suggestions.
Having a different colored name or text would solve so many issues with the guards being recognized...and it would help them do their job in an easier fashion.

Come on ADMINS, how about supporting the players that devote themselves to helping YOUR game run better?

Can't be that hard to give a color, no?
Yes...this is a brilliant idea...
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