
can we get some better weapons? a level 16 witcher fighting with a level 6 axe, just got killed by a level 15 sinra hunter after he did almost 1500 points of damage to me and i only managed 778 damage to him, that includes orbs and weapons!
Next time try potions.
i want better weapons too. when you're level 20 and you're fighting with a level 6 ax and shield something is wrong
omg all of u hahaha

ur damage isn't just from ur weapon armour gives u strength so as a lv 20 u should have lots of armour so ur strength will up ur base damage

and with pots u can easily kill 6 lvs above u
Still, having only these lvl 6 weapons around is not interesting.
Even if gariter was the only one whose idea was right, there isn't any variety as shown in the library - where are keeper items?
Can't the people behind Dragon Eternity actually sell them in the shop under the ranking system like the one distributing the Master series? Can't these Keeper items be assigned rank and sold like that? Lower rank of course, but still why not?
yeah, i vote that we get weapons more frequently, i know that it is possible to upgrade your main strength... but still, every now and then we (well at least i) want a change of looks, i switch through the weapons every couple of weeks, but it gets old. and getting new weapons, even if they are no better than the last ones, will still help us distinguish who is who, what rank they are, and how amazing they are.
u guys keep saying weapon

but like i said before its not just about weapons

armour is just as strong

a guy with nothing but boots and leggings

will bet a guy with just a hammer or short sword anyday.

you keep asking for more stuff simple lv up
every 2 to 3 level u can get a new piece of armour and that will raise ur damage and make u stronger

and keeper stuff
eg keeper belt is only for the admins its not something we can get
gariteru guys keep saying weapon

but like i said before its not just about weapons

armour is just as strong

a guy with nothing but boots and leggings

will bet a guy with just a hammer or short sword anyday.

you keep asking for more stuff simple lv up
every 2 to 3 level u can get a new piece of armour and that will raise ur damage and make u stronger

and keeper stuff
eg keeper belt is only for the admins its not something we can get

Well I am in fact totally aware that you are a serious player Gariter. Lol. But I too am one.
what is the best weapon when you are a level 6???
Doesn't take an expert to say that this post is just the direct result of a rage-quit.

It's not that hard to get good armor. I saved up and got my barbarian axe at lv 10...
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