
Eliminate this from the game it is juvinile. This game is meant to be fun. Being killed by someone who can hide behind a skirt is not fun. Being killed by someone who is a realative match in the arena is challenging. Bieing killed by someone who is multiple levels higher than you is nothing more than feeding some peoples psychotic fantasies.

I do not dislike Wraith I HATE it. It should not be a part of this game.
If you don't want to get wraithed.....

buy wraith spheres so they can't see you.
Yes, pay 1 gold per 15 minutes to remain hidden. *sarcasm* It will cost you only 4 gold per hour to play. lol Dumb. Really dumb.
Like I'm gonna pay 4$ an hour to play? Nope.

(comments not directed at any players by the way)
I have to agree, Wraith is right up there with being hit with a bonecrusher sphere as you are going about your business.
I LOVE wraith hunting. Rarely are they truly hidden, if you know how and where to look. Ask for help against wraiths. Learn how to use protection glyphs, stall them, make them hate fighting you.
Those of you that play dead will be hit again, and again, why not? They can farm easy reps off you.

Wraith is important for many reasons, and cost a fortune, so I do not see admin changing them anytime soon. Instead, learn how to defeat them. They are just a player who you can't see, but you can kill them :)
Storm Kat,
Also some of them aren't very good at hiding..
Lol stop playing now. Will only get worse at higher levels. Very few in game look for fair fight.
Lux the Sarcastic,
some aren't even doing it to hide, but to avoid getting hit back by someone bigger. ">

Wraiths can, and should, be killed. That was a fun fight. Is a little more exciting with the mystery of it all. ">
Iknow the feeling, I am apparently being targeted by a wraith, keep getting hit (4 times today) and am usually dead before I can even call for help (how would I do that, just put in the location channel that i have been attacked by a wraith?)

I wouldn't even mind being attacked, except that the durability of my equipment goes down, which means I have to repair it when it breaks. As someone who is perpetually broke, that isn't fun when you are saving up for something, then bang, you have to repair things you normally wouldn't have had to repair (at least not yet or that often).
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