Tournament of Honor

Due to lack of active high levels on at same times, would it be possible to lower the player number of minimum entrants for the top 2 brackets ?

ie: ToH level 36 - 43, min 6 players to start, ToH level 44 - 50, min 4 players to start.

At least until such times as there is more active players of those levels. I know many in those brackets are becoming very bored as there are very few Arena battles let alone ToH & seven bridge fights. Alternatively, maybe increase the frequency of those battle.

just an idea ">
i think that is a good idea. those wanting to participate can finally do so with "no oppenant has been found for you". that gets rather old and frustrating
there is a bad idea! Why do tournament between four players? Arena is for the
the arena will not walk for about 15 days, until it lost Ethereal weapons)))
I think this is a great idea and groves get a backbone buddy and quit whining it's a game and we all need to have a chance....LOL
I agree with lowering it for say... 7 bridges.

But ToH? With the amount of goodies it drops, and the fact that you get trophies?

Just a bad idea.
I must agree with dooman. the whole reason I do ToH is for the large boost to my valor cause of the amount of people and that you should win at least some of your matches so everyone gets a decent amount of it as well as I can get a lot of higher glad pieces and the shiny trophies if I do good enough. If you only have a min of 4 people then it would kill it imo. Everyone would be able to get a trophy and good glad pieces just for being the only people on. It would lower the amount of valor which is gained by each player.
great idea
Or if you didnt want to hog the bandwidth, allow participation points and not hold the tourney.
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