Duel of Truth Timing.

During the last lower levels DoT, quite a few players died in the very early stages of the game. Not from stupidity, not from lack of game knowledge, not even from a server disconnect. They died from Server Overload. I as well as at least FIVE other players that I spoke with, (I know there were more, but, I spoke to these players), died with Pots and Bombs in there belts. We were all clicking anything trying to get any action to work. The server did not respond for us. Yes we even tried refreshing during the duel to no effect. However, any summon critter that was on "autopilot" was able to take their turns. Eventually, the NPC would just do a death blow to the players, even though we were actively trying to play. I have personally suffered from this problem as well in a couple of "epic BC fights" where there were more than 20 players on each side.

Actions taken by myself: Flash Player updated before the duel, Cookies thoroughly cleaned, (including flash cookies), a computer restart before duel, confirmed stable internet.


A) A better server that can handle the stresses involved of that many players in a fight.

B) Break up the duels so only one level bracket is going at a time.


A) This is a long term fix designed to help the game playability for everyone.

B) This is a short term fix designed to ease the stress of the server, but still allow some playability.


A) This would require serious upgrade costs, plus time investments for data shifting.

B) This is not a long term fix, and would be akin to putting a tourniquet on an amputation. It will hold you for a bit but does not truly fix the problem.

Notes: Please keep the discourse civil and on topic. I am trying to help us all out here and make a really fun game even more fun to play.

I also noticed that for some reason the Valor players weren't getting into the fight quick enough. The Sadar side of the lower level fight was way out of proportion to the Valar side, ie there were approximately 90 Sadar players and only 70 Valar players at the end of the fight. This disproportion was that way from the beginning so that half way through the fight there were only about 4 live Valar players vs 34 live Sadar players. This could be due to the stress on the server as I noticed the Valar players were constantly coming in throughout the whole fight. I was also wondering if there was a way to keep it more in balance by not allowing more than a 10 player difference. This would allow for a more fair fight, with this kind of a difference there was no way the Valar side had any hope of ever trying to win.
Thats exactly what happened to me tonight. I was pressing the buttons, nothing happened, saw no enemy but reacted as if hit and then I died still with pots as my energy didn't read low. So yes I would support separate servers.
The other issue is that the 'lower level' duels are always during the week, where the higher levels are on the weekends. Not all of us are able to play all day long due to having to work.
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