I feel that for a duel of truth there shouldn't be summons. It should be player vs player only. It would to see if you can actually handle the fight instead of putting your dragon and skellies out because your about to loose a battle. But this is my opinion. Anyone else agree?
Completely agree.
Can we apply that to the so called arena of honor too. and the seven bridges, and the so called tournament of honor?
Agree with Sir Truckula, is arena of honour, not arena of summons and at tournament the same
I think this would be a good change.
Especially when it comes down to 2 vs 1 and the side with 2 players SUMMONs their dragon AND skels. That's ridiculous.

Honor? Yeah, right.
I like summoning. You know from the start how much I can summon. So just be more prepared.
Summons are just another form of equipment, why not ban people from wearing better kit as thats unfair and hardly honourable?
Summons are fine by me, work for a better summon should be rewarded.
i think were looking for the game to govern player stupidity - bad idea - bc them afterwards if they pull that
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