Please Reduce Points for Professions

Dear Dragon Eternity

I love this game. It is so interesting. The best parts are the little side expeditions like trading and crafting and of course...gathering. Which brings me to the question at hand.

Do you really need this many points for all the professions? I mean, don't you feel that it is a seriously demotivating factor in the game? It is ridiculous that I have to hunt with 9 or more traps for 1 point each. And I need 1000 points. Where am I going to go for some fun? It's really cruel that the game has everything but lacks the one thing that is promised: FUN!

Please help us the gamers who want to have some fun, please reduce the number of points in professions. And please for the love of God, add more!

Thank you.
i agree and also could u keep in mind to lower the valor amounts aswell?
yours truely,
I disagree I like the hard work put into getting to the higher lv professions and valor. Otherwise everyone and there brother would be up there with you. You need to earn the right to make the best stuff and wear the best gear in my opinion.
instead lower the lvl requirements increase how many points per you get.. to two or even three on occasion...
the time spent is quite rediculous its the grindiest longest lasting unless u buy reals tradeskills in any game ive ever seen just realise how long it will take to just lvl 1 alchemy
Moved to suggestions as it seem more appropriate section for this thread.
I'm with Surtur's Fire on this one- I think achievements SHOULD take work and time. That way, when you see someone who CAN do those things, you recognize the work they put in to be able to do it and as a result, they CAN do it.
What I am suggesting does not mean that people FAIL at making a living. It is in fact a recipe for SUCCESS.
What it does is diminish the achievement of effort. I WANT there to be things I have to work for. And when I actually ACHIEVE them, I want there to be a reward. If I work for months on making a new food, I want to be able to sell said food and make a profit. I want to be able to use said food as I see fit and not have to worry about running out, and I want that food to provide me with some menial advantage that others don't have.

If EVERYONE has the easy road, then instead of this being an advantage, the game would need to be designed around the fact that everyone already HAS the advantage- and instead of the skill being an advantage to have, it would become a disadvantage to NOT have. It's no longer a perk when it's required, and it's no longer an achievement if everyone can just push an "i-win" button and have the reward.

Well if you think that 15 traps is a great plan to make yourself somebody interesting then I can't argue with you
Traps are the only GUARENTEED way to skill up. Actually hunting creatures your level or higher has a chance to skill you up as well (small, but it's there).

And I don't rely on just a profession to enjoy the game- I rely on PLAYING the game. Crafting is only a part of this. I'd say, my gear, my dragon, my clan, my spells, and my personality make me interesting. Oh, and I'm also a hunter. Who's almost GOT that 1000 skill. And i'll be quite pleased when I get it.
Please don't imagine that I am making a farce. 1000 points to lay a trap and hunt with 15 or so traps for a few months is not what I can endorse as a great achievement. I feel that this is in itself the farce. Imagine I want to cook something which requires better meat. I must hunt for months. Then I can cook whatever it is I wanted to. But maybe by then I would have fell asleep at my keyboard. I am just advocating a little snappiness, a little zest not lethargy.
I agree, the thrill of earning something isa great. But it should not take months to just get to the next mastery level. I have been hunting for a week and am only at 200. Everyone that is saying how great the crafting system is quite brown nosing the game, and speak your real opinion.
I am a miner at the moment and SOMEONE SHOOT ME!!! PLEASE!!! I have to pay 20+ silver for just a little bit of coal and a little bit of quartz that I can't even sell to get 2 silver or less and only 8 or 9 experience in mining and 4-7 experience in crafting. Could you guys at least make it so that I come out approximately even? I will be level 50 by the time I get enough gold and silver to truly get the good stuff unless I pay with my credit card.
You have collections now, completing profession collection will award 500 mastery and you have chance of receive pieces each time you get at least 1 mastery in that profession. They are also tradeable and you can buy and sell them on Auction House.
This is suggestions forums for constructive feedback, not a place to put some flood in.
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