Wraiths and BC spheres

Now we all have our own opinions on this yes bc'ing is legal and a legitimate reputation to garner in the game no complaints about that.
Might be a thought though to alter the Wraith Sphere slightly so if used in conjunction with the Bonecrusher Sphere then ONLY experience is gained for the person if they win. The reason behind this change being that "hiding" who you are to prevent possible retaliation and/or general contempt from the game's populous is hardly the act of chivalry or valorous in any sense of the word therefore the award of valour in this circumstance would be deemed inappropriate.
i like this idea :) might lead to people usig wraith spheres less.
I think adding a cool down period between wrath speres is good too... say only one can be used an hour
Great suggestion :) fine to use them for BC rep but not as a means of farming easy 'valor' while really being a big wuss :p
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