Bezerker issues and possible fixes

As a beserker im aware of a couple things... 1.) we get hit VERY often. 2.) earth magic is a witcher magic yet like berekers it has a high critical rate. 3.) palladins have more health than beserkers.
1,3.) if we get hit more often shouldnt we have MORE health than any other class?? Palladins who focus on Reducing damage have more helath?? we sit there and take everything while they reduce our (rare) criticals and just generally kill us.
2.) why is Earth magic. one that improves intution (beserker stat) a witcher magic?? fire does more damage but unless it hits critaclly earth generally hits higher because of the intution increase. if possible can i get some answers to why these things are the way they are?? also maybe some revisions to zerk class.

I also have a suggestion for the chaos spells 1) the chaos whip as it lvls each upgrade should increase the chance for healing you, not by 10% but by maybe 1% or 0.5% that would be cool. 2.) chaos secondary:seal of wounding if each upgrade increased vulnerability to chaos spells by again maybe 1-2% that would be awesome. Im a beserker and i know Witchers also use Chaos spells but Beserkers rely on high damage so to be able to heal with spells is awesome and to make that spell work better??? that would very cool
1. Paladins don't reduce damage incoming, they block it. Reduction is witchers. As a berserker you suppress the Paladins ability to block. A witcher suppresses your ability to do critical hits. Paladins suppress witchers ability to reduce damage. Its a rock-paper-scissors scenario!

2. As a zerker has high crit chance anyway you're better having the high-damage fire spell in many ways than a crit-increasing lower damage spell such as earth. Even with the crit chance increase witchers don't crit *that* much so fire damage from a zerker is generally higher than earth from a witcher. Head to head this is not the case, as mentioned earlier in the stat suppression bit - witchers suppress your chance to crit hit.

3. Paladins and Berserkers have the same amount of HP available through kit. If they have higher HP its because they've invested more time and money in their gear, buffs etc. e.g. Reinforced Barb Axe = 147 vitality, Guardian Hammer & Shield = 71 + 76 = 147 vitality.
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