Trade channel and AH

I've noticed a lot of chat in the trade channel is 'I've got x, y, z listed on AH buy it now!' type stuff. Given anyone can look up the AH at any time this seems fairly redundant and spammy - perhaps only allow advertising in trade if its for personal trade or if the item is exceptional e.g. a canvas belt or predator sword or something where its good to know its up as they are rare. Knowing there is another 500 loads of parchment to add to the thousands already up isn't very exciting :p

Not sure how best to govern what would be allowable etc though :( maybe someone else has a better idea?
I would like to see the prices for items in the AH stabilize, I know for experience that on some days a Short Sword of Golden Eagle will range from 7-10g and other days it is 10-18g. This makes it very hard to be able to determine the actual value that the item is worth. I would like to see the base value of an item on all items and have the price in the AH set accordingly (price changing based on dur and dam). This would help keep a more stable economy in the AH while enabling players to see if they are going to get ripped off. The rule of +/- 30% would have to change to +/- 30% of the base value.
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