In the Name of Balance

Arena of All Kind, Heart of PvP

there is a lot of complain about replicants, they are too strong in low level then they are too weak
seems like replicant is everything but not a balance in arena
personally me, i dont see the needs to have replicants..
happened to me once when my team was lower in number (2 vs 3) and .. got no replicas helping out (win the fight for us.. )

seems like there is no upper limit on arena or just i dont know about it
that means to start battle in not equal setup has 50% chance.. (even - odd)
so this is odd..

i believe there is a way more balanced solution to make PvP more fun
like not allowing to start any PvP battle if the participating's number are not even:

-- minimum number to start could be 4 (2-2 player on both side) - so any arena can go if only a few ppl want to fight

-- could be a maximum limit and if more people joining in fight then over maximum number they just going in another fight if
server can handle more of the same arena fight, or just simply waiting to end first fight (that is not taking too long because
of the maximum limit)

-- starting PvP only if minimum numbers of participants hit 2-2 on both side and overall number is even
so if (or if there wont be maximum limit) overall number is odd, put out the last ppl joining to PvP before the fight would
start to the next group (and make sure that ppl will fight in next battle)

-- death in PvP must have no penalty, its for having more fun not only collecting items
a free PvP could increase everybody's apetite to use this feature

Because PvP cannot be more balanced and more real when real ppl playing it . . .

to make it short: no more replicants... it breaks the balance. I used to win every battle on area when I got replicant in my team - and opposite, I used to be the loser when there is replicant on the opposite side
There is a recommendation on replicants already. Although the idea of no penalty for the arena seems plausible for certain situations, i.e. The Tournament of Honor, seeing is how you cannot repair your equipment in the middle of/ or after the rounds. When some item may break after the round, you are forced to compete without it until the Tournament is over
i cannot just say " no replica"
if i say against it at least i should suggest my idea
know there is other post about replicas

i made this as a new post because its not only says no replicas, i suggested my idea that possible to cary out

woot :)
Cheesehead: yeah the Tourney is the killer, can end up with significantly less gear on if you're not careful/lucky. Even if it must break your gear how about it all happens at the end so you get to compete with all your stuff at least? :)
strange thing that replica happens to be allways in the other team, actually i never had one in my team..
this time i lost again twice after another cause of the same thing..
2nd pvp started with 8 ppl, at least battleground did show 8.. still in "that" guy's team had a replica..
and the stronger team ( saying stronger on players level since there is difference when a lower level (11) cannot use lv12 item still replica happens to pop-up at the higher level team (saying again its overall level.. )

and everyboy know that all who want to go to PVP need to check in
this time (still the same pvp im talking about - 2nd one) i had a lv14 on my side that didnt feel like fighting and died right after the match has started..

personally me, i think that is noone will go afk after the check in (1 minute before fight) and not coming back

thing is some player want to make arenas uneven, "friends in game" go together to fight in PvP and just need to one of them cancel PvP in the last seconds to make it uneven,
i dont know how they manipulate the side replica will pop in, but i never had one on my side
another thing is one of the "friends in game" or call them whenever u like happens to be at the other side when fight starting just do nothing so its for the "bigger deal" (well known that not only adults play this game)
(ofc it could be disconnected, toilet issue after check in or other disaster.. that can happen tho..)

thing is ppl can use this replica to make advantages somehow
and that phenomena when participants just missed pvp - even on higher level - "happens a lot"
this should be "punished" like not allowing ppl to fight for two hours then 4 after 12 hours and up and up.. ( to have a stair to walk on)
and of course replica need to be taken out and erased from memory asap. . .
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