mana bar and stuff

i think it would make harvesting ess easier if afer battle your mana counter doenst reset to 0 i shoulkd stay at where it is when the battle is won only if you dies yeah it would reset. Also this EXP restting is rediculous it should stay at how much exp you have like when you go from lvl 12 to 13 you have to get 14000 exp then as soon as you lvel up it resets and you have to get 17000 exp to lvl to 14 it should be a set amount of exp to lvl up between each lvl not keep getting hight and higher and start from 0 exp
I would support a gradual decline in mana, perhaps at the same rate that health INCREASES. This way, if you are out of combat for any significant time, you will have 0 mana at the beginning of the battle.
I Agree with the mana. Except in any sort of pvp, start with 0 to make it fair. PvM let it stack after battle.
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