Dragons in AoH

as this is supposed to be arena of honor maybe you can ban the use of dragons in here. to call a dragon is not honorable in these fights many objrct to the fact that people do. if they want to fight with dragons they should go to bridges. AoH should be kept dragon free and depend on your skills.
I would second that. But I would go far as to say in Battle Arena Dragons and Skellies should be baned period. Its really unfair and not honorable to use them in any Battle Arena.
in bridges i can understand their use as it gives reputation for new orbs, but in arena and others i dont see the point.
maybe there should be another arena for using dragons
I don't see the point in the dragons in AOH. Considering you are calling it the Arena of Honor, there is no honor in this at all. I feel the same thing for the bonecrusher sphere and the fact that you have people in better gear or alien gear as we all call it also. It is not a even fight.
do i have no honor for wearing an alien helm? =0
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