Spark Conversion-

One of the more frustrating aspects of the game as it stands is the need for an astronomical amount of Sparks of Inception. The number required to achieve rank 3 in all basic spells is abnormally inflated and unreachable under standard means. Relying on the common drop rates of 1, 7, or in the case of the extremely fortunate, 50, means that you may never see the hundreds of sparks drop required in order to advance your character.

As you know, there comes a point where Sparks of Silence become the currency to advance your spells. Sparks of Silence are more plentiful and less used because often times players are not able to advance their spells beyond the phase where Sparks of Inception are necessary. As such, the value of Sparks of Silence is greatly reduced- just check the AH pricing between Sparks of Inception and Sparks of Silence to see what I mean- Basic Items (Sparks of Inception) have a MUCH higher cost than the further advanced Sparks of Silence. Add to that the fact that Sparks of Silence drop more frequently and in larger quantities (2,14, and 100), and you have a fundamental imbalance in the distribution of a necessary supply.

What I propose is a way to, at a cost, convert Sparks of Silence down to Sparks of Inception. Say, complete a quest and activate a service where you can pay a fee (say, 50 silver or .5 Reals) where you can convert as many Sparks of Silence into Sparks of Inception at a rate of 2 to 1- 2 of the more plentiful Sparks of Silence for 1 of the currently less plentiful Sparks of Inception.

What this does is ease the hemmorage of Sparks if Inception and makes better use of Sparks of Silence. The value of Sparks of Silence will increase while not affecting the overall value of the drops - basically making a drop of 2, 14, or 100 Silences equal to a drop of 1, 7, or 50 Inception. This also allows a person who was not fortunate with his drops of Inception to still achieve rank 3 spells without having to resort to spending hundreds of gold to do it, and by charging a small fee, it removes that much wealth from the system, allowing the sale of additional Reals. It's a win situation all the way around.
Had ANOTHER 100 sparks of silence drop for me yesterday. Too bad I only have one spell in the range to use them. Seriously, 400 sparks of silence and I can't even touch them until I can somehow come up with at LEAST another 160 sparks of inception, and over 700 more still necessary to get ALL my spells in range to be able to use them. Conversion is a great answer.
5 days later, now over 700 sparks of silence- and have only had 3 drops of Sparks of Inception drop- One for 1, one for 7 and one for 50. So, let's recap- in that time I have gained 300 sparks of silence, 58 sparks of inception. At this rate, I will be able to get a new spell to level 3 (so i can actually USE some of the sparks of silence) in 5 more days. By then, I will have accumulated another 300 sparks of silence, for a total of 1000. Take it to the next extreme, and it will take another 17 days to achieve another spell to that level, for another 900 sparks of silence.

Seriously, conversion is necessary. Please look into this.
OK, it's been a week... and this time it's only 100 more sparks of silence... but a grand total of ZERO sparks of inception- in a week.

At this rate, I will never have enough sparks to bring even ONE spell into the range to use the sparks of silence.
i think that when you start fighting higher level monsters you dont get inception anymore only sparks, after them apaesment then dream..
it definitely fades from one sort to the next. But that leads to exactly the problem I highlighted- You can't possibly get enough sparks of inception to cover all your spells without spending a fortune to do it. If you try to farm them, you will invariably level out before you get enough.
Over 900 Sparks of Silence and counting.

Not a single spark of inception. Tried farmin lower level stuff and got nowhere.
why dont the game makers make it just a little bit easier to get sparks of inception? or just make it easier to transmute sparks of silence into sparks of inception???
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