in game bonus timer

the in game bonus timer resets very time you leave the page. could you set it to either till players are logged out or a few minutes after they are so that those who have their flashes crash or unintentionally close their browsers or those that refresh their pages do not loose x amount of time and are forced to wait that time again. As well as a min activity for the timer to continue. Say at least one battle every hour so people can not just leave their computers and do whatever. Do not let them lose the time but the timer will stall until they are active again.
agreed. Or at least let it run even if it isn't logged in.
now that I have got the last bonus I think some type of random bonus cycle is implemented. As in the first four going over and over in a random pattern to get the bonuses again and again... Giving people even more reason to stay on longer...
lol i did it all in 1 go coz i was sooo wanting to know what was in those bonuses lol :)
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