Money Storage

I think it would be a good addition to the Tavern Room to be able to store money. This way people can have an 'Emergency Fund' or similar for that point in time when eveything breaks and costs a fortune to repair. Would also help for people to save up for those ever elusive Weapons and Armour. ">
ive wondered why you cant store money there. seems like you should be able to. would be nice to be able to.
Dayum this an olllllld post
Wow, a post bumped from the grave.
Jeez bro how long did it take to find this one
Strain Of Pain,
1 minute
You already have "money storage" just don't spend the money you already have. There's unlikely to be an option for individual money storage at it wouldn't really serve any purpose.
IhitYou already have "money storage" just don't spend the money you already have. There's unlikely to be an option for individual money storage at it wouldn't really serve any purpose.

bumb, the purpose would be to store money without spending it
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