More armor, weapons, accessories, and customization...

When I was below level 10, I always used to think: "> 'can't wait until I'm a higher level so I can see the new stuff I can get!'. And now I have seen all that can be purchased, I'm very disappointed. "> There are massive gaps between recruit and warrior, and even more between warrior and the max armor. And although players can get guardian, barbarian and other items, they cost way too much to purchase. So it'd be good if you introduced more armor types such as fine, good, great, and legendary armor. And I'm sure people have already brought it up, but more customization would be great! I like how my character looks intimidating but the grey hair really ruins it for me...

Hope this gets read ">
The Barbarian/Witcher/Paladin green armour are a certain drop in Skrag Caves, which is a team isntance.
where can i find some armor it would be nice i am a level 5 and i am looking were to find armor?
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