Some Ideas

I was thinking that it may be cool to add the ability to customize your own weapon for the class of your choice, paladin, berserker or witch. Lets say you want to be a berserker and attack with a katana and naginata. It would be great if you could build your own custom weapon like that.

Another idea is a custom weapon that morphs to your skills, meaning as you get better in your skills, so does your weapon.

The magic attacks are great, but maybe more magic options, like Bonfire for fire, or even mix up magic for more powerful attacks, like Lava: combination of fire and earth, or poison gas: combo of fire/water, and quicksand: combo of water/earth.

Chaos and Order are good, but maybe also add Death and Life, Telekinesis and Stun.

Let me know what you think! ">

you can already stun ;) Lesser Orb of Nosefratu :) other than that, more magic would be cool :) dont know about combining them ;)

Custom weapons would be insane, a good idea, but insane! :D

And building weapons would be VERY cool!

Some good ideas here, good thinking

Thanks. And sweet. I need to get that Orb =D

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