New itemsdrops

Tying in to the suggestions for better drops posted below and heard repeatedly in chat, some specific items I'd like to see added:

1) (Grey) Vendor Trash. Grinding mobs which drop the same coinage every kill gets dull. Lets have a chance for useless items, whose only purpose is to be sold to the vendor for 50 copper.

2) (Grey) Resin of Mending. A rare drop (no pun intended), this resin can be poured over cracks and scrapes in your equipment, to the effect that it will heal 1 durability. A Simple Resin will work on equipment levels less than 10, whilst a Lesser will work on equipment levels up to 20, You need a powerful resin for equipment up to level 30 and a Flawless for anything about 30.

Futhermore, you can store up 10 Resins and forge them into a Glue. This glue won't just protect your equipment - it will actually repair damage and make it good as new. Same level restrictions as above, a Glue of Mending will repair 1 damage.

3) Glyph of Mana. Takes up space in your belt, and works just like a Glyph of healing; it increases your mana generation by 50% for 3 rounds. Stacks with Magic Stance.

4) More Orbs! I like Orbs, I think they are a fantastic feature of the game, but I notice that most of them work as a deritave of damage per strike. Which, being a humble paladin, means that Orbs are less effective for me than they are for witchers, and especially beserkers. So, let's have some orbs that work off other combat stats - like for example:

4a) Orb of Blocking. Increases your chance to block your opponents next attack, AND if blocked sucessfully it increases the category of damage reduction by 25%. (So a block that means your opponent deals 75% of normal damage means he/she now deals 50%, 50% becomes 25% and 25% becomes a full block.)

4b) Orb of Guarding. Reduces your opponents chance to get a critical hit on his/her next strike by 50%. Only works against physical attacks.

4c) Orb of Mana. Increases Mana generation this round by 50%. Stacks with Magic Stance.

4d) Orb of Power. Increases the damage of any magical strike by the same % as Orbs of Strength.

4e) Orb of Efficiency. Increases the chance that a spells effect procs by 50%.

and one for everyone.

4f) Orb of Bloodlust. Increases your chance to land a critical strike by 50%, but 18% of the total damage done to your opponent is done to you as well.

(please read my next suggestion to accomodate all these new orbs)

Orbs and the Glyph should be purchasable in the shop, just like the current ones. The resins should be drops only.

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