Please address the lack of items!!!

As PRD1984 has suggested, the drops need to be tweaked. Maybe not only the "green" drops, which should still be rare, but AT LEAST make available some higher level weapons especially, (even "grey" strength ones), available for purchase at the item shop on a level basis like with the potions and other consumables. One of the draws of RPG's is looking forward to getting new gear as you level up. As it stands now, for example, there is only 1 Paladin hammer that is level 3 in the shop, and even the only green drop for them is just a slightly better level 3 one. The other classes at least get a level 6 weapon which is slightly stronger. Even that isn't good enough as people start levelling above 10 and so on, as the things we are fighting are constantly getting stronger and hitting harder and we are fighting them with the same low level equipment. The fights are starting to get longer to the point of being tedious and repetitive. Give us something to hold our interest and to look forward to or else you will lose long term customers as people get bored of the same-old dreary grinding with little to no reward.
I agree, the lvls of the weapons go from 3 to 30+ with nothing in between, not even the gear you get from Skrag Caves is higher. Which that instance is another thing all together.

There really does need to be something in between, even if its only gray quality. At around lvl 20ish you'll start fighting enemies that do ALOT more damage then you can, and no one will hardly be able to keep up with the gear currently available.
Following on that thread i got few questions:
- why theres no good quests after lvl 16, quests that keep people interested in playing
- what are the odds of getting any drop? i didnt put any new equipment for last 5 lvls simply because there is none! i wouldnt mind to pay for it but the auction is empty for the same reason
- fighting the creature same lvl as mine takes 1 powerful elixir of endurance and 4 powerful elixirs of life, creatures virtually hit twice as hard and have almost twice as much life!!! cost 1.86 + 4x0.75 =4.86, and the drop is only 2.8-3.4, i understand the game is made to make money, and i dont mind to pay now and then, but give us some pleasure playing!! at lvl 20 im bored and annoyed
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