(New) Quest Feedback

Yesterday I completed the level 9 and level 10 quest chains, and thought I'd post some feedback.

On the positive side, the storylines and corresponding artwork was very good - there was a fairly consistent plot in each one and there was quite an original reason to be going forth and beating up large groups of poor defenseless monsters, and the addition of click-to-harvest was very good as this meant we interacted and paid more attention to the stunning location artwork which we miss when grinding.

Also, the rewards per individual quest are pretty good.

However, there's a fairly big comment the negative side. I did these quests as a level 13-14, so it's pretty much a given that I won't get any drops or sparks from any of the mobs killed while questing. The level 9 quest (Krom Tander) is considerably long - I'd go so far as to say "epic". And when we finally get to the end of it we get... some orbs. If I could go over and redo, you know, travel back in time so I could have yesterday all over again, I wouldn't have quested, I would have simply continued to grind on creatures my own level, sold the drops and used the money to buy the orbs I got from the quest.

At the end of long quest chains, give us an award that counts as an achievement. A piece of equipment that's superior to the standard/shop-option of our level, or possibly just a piece of equipment that looks different. (Equipment should be non-transferable) Maybe award us a title, or give us a large reputation bonus. Open up a new area, or new shop. But simply - give us something that can only be achieved by completing this quest chain, so we can feel proud and gloat. Make us always choose to do quests rather than grind - we know the devs and the writers put a lot of work and effort into creating quests (and the lore of the world) - and it is pretty regrettable if we start to resent investing time into them.

(My own opinions only, obviously.)

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