football inspired event

I had an idea for an event that was inspired by the superbowl.

first off this will be a 2 stage event.


a 6 day event basically doing 3 quests.
First quest will be pvp. damage dealt, kills and wins. achieve one for minimal token prize and all 3 for max prize.
Second quest will be to kill a number of special mobs that will be leveless.
Third will be an hourly boss fight. It will continuously spawn new mobs on occasion from the last quest as well as when another person joins.

The quests are to get tokens, the tokens are to be used in a stadium, which will have a portal accessible to it via winery, and the stadium shop will sell unique red quality buffs, potions, orbs and gear. The first three of which will be comparable to melvin or normal but will have a life span to them of 24 hours.
The gear will vary in quality and price. From grew to red. Grew being the cheapest and only able to be bought with silver and red only with reals. The gear will have no mark spots but will carry traits of marks for witcher, berserker or paladin. AS example a berserker will have fury applied to it's. With increasing amounts to the higher quality of the gear. A grew will have one tenths of a percent of fury while a red may have a full one percent. This gear can not be worn in battlegrounds and only this gear will be allowed to be wore in the second parts fights. The gear will be level three and scale to the players level. but that will be negated by a supremacy buff! Dusting gear will be counted if it cost 1s to buy! Also note there will be belts and jewelry as well as to normal gear. So you can not wear your own belts. A special storage linked to your inn will be available in stadium as well.

The second part is a series of fights in the stadium. You can que up to 15 minutes before the first fight of quarter and the fight will begin with a 11 v 11 bot fight of spawning starting with a wit, pali the zerk before starting the order again. If a player or bot died one from the que on that team, sadar v vaalor btw, will then join the fight. If there is none qualified in que to join then the next bot in order will join. Now the unique points of the fight.

FIRST! There IS a time limit to it. the fight will continue till the timer ends. If you die then you can reque for the fight. but is actually a place holder for the next fight! When the time limit is reached, 30 minutes sounds right, the fight is over and started again with current players in the fight, or if a bot would join the next in que for it instead of the bot.
SECOND! and this is the key. The point of this is not to deal the most damage! There will be a unique buff called the ball initially given randomly to a player. Dealing damage with this buff will drive up the points for your team. damage or kills threw arrows for example will not count, but orbs, reflected attacks, and damage from reflected damage from such as temple buffs will. The buff will grant a unique buff depending on the class you are. A berserker will have increased attack and crit rate, a paladin will have +25 percent increase chance of blocking an attack and a witcher will have 50 percent dodge.
Now how you get the ball. First you must be the person who gets the opponent with the ball. then you hit them with a direct attack. depending on the damage you do, the harder the more likely, you will get a turnover. getting a partial dodged hit will be counted as a fumble when it happens and the ball will go to a random person on your team, or even the opponents team if the damage is low enough. scoring a crit will guarantee you the ball, in the case of a partially dodged crit the damage dealt will determine if a fumble occurs and if it does you get the ball. however the chances of a fumble are as low as a partial dodged hit. Causing a stun is a guarantee fumble. however it is still based on damage done, but will always go to your team!

THIRD! There is no summons allowed and no dragon or neph ability.
In addition to the ball there will be 3 other buffs. The first of which is called offensive. This basically means your team has the ball and your team will deal 5 percent more damage. You get this every time your ball carrier scores any direct hit and lasts 4 turns. Second is defensive, in which case your opponents have the ball and one on your team being scored a hit on. This will grant a 2 percent hp regen buff that will last 4 turns. The third buff is called rally. When the opposing team is leading by a large margin, like 5k damage or more, the chances of crit and hitting increase by 30 percent.

There will be 4 quarters in total for a normal game. totaling 2 hours by previously given number if you leave the stadium then you lose your que spot. The winner will be decided by which team accumulated the highest total score combining all four fights numbers! if there is somehow a tie a 5th round of overtime will occur!
there will be 3 quests with this.
First is the individual fight quest where you have to deal x damage and a bonus for being on the winning team for that quarter.
Second is the overall game quest where you must deal x damage and a bonus for winning
Third will be a buff quest. you need to donate essence, like fire essence, to receive a 2 hour buff that increases your stats.

This is as far as I thought it threw. I also had an idea for collections but this is the bulk of it.
Sorry for this being in multiple pieces. I could not do this otherwise!
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