Weekly clan rewards
There should be a money reward given to the clan chest to help offset the cost of running a clan. Since wars no longer give gold rewards, then maybe clan rewards should since the player ones do. It does not have to be lots of money, but would help with boat repairs and upgrades. Just a thought.
And I still believe caskets and stars should go to a clan safe instead of a leader. It was always hard to be on mainland, handing out awards, to those that deserved them. In safe, any council could give them out.
afaik as they are tradable items it SHOULD be possible to put them in chest never tried tho
there never were money rewards from winning wars there were only a tribute, which made it even harder for the loosing clans to pay the clan opperation cost
The star went into CC after Shimora left.
Please look at making this happen for the clan weekly awards, automatically.
Agree that a gold award would be a great idea.
Disagree with the clan leader being forced to hang out on mainland and make trades with the deserving players. If the stars/chests went to safe, limited access to members outside council, council should be able to be trusted to hand out awards, so that anyone on mainland can help.
Smaller clans most likely wouldnt win conf