Help us avoid accidentally deleting incorrect new posts

1) Help us not delete the wrong post: When deleting a news post, add title of post to the "Are you sure you want to delete...?" message. If the post is named "Fun Stuff", then the prompt would be "Are you sure you want to delete 'Fun Stuff'?" or just "Delete 'Fun Stuff'?" Can limit to the first few words of title with "..." if it helps.

2) Let us recover deleted posts (at least for some time): When a post is deleted, simply hide it with "show deleted" and "undelete" options. Once an item is flagged as deleted, maybe a "purge/expunge/delete forever" option, with automatic final deletion after a certain amount of time (perhaps a month). Or could be handled as a news trash bin with recover option.

Personally, I avoid deleting the wrong post by first viewing the specific message, then I only have one delete button. In the list view it's easy to delete the wrong post.
Archives, Tabs, Bumping posts with comments. I still don't understand why clan news can't be the same as the forum is. I would love to see the next update include changing clan news to be more like the forums.
Oh tabs! Yes, "Game Guide", "Rules", "Trade", "You Did What With What?", "Fun", ... make your own tabs
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