Chat Options. Do Not Disturb would be nice.

Private and System Messages has a check mark beside it, but cannot be clicked.
Please separate private and system messages. Let me put the whole game on ignore if I want, so I can play how I want, once in a while without any risk of drama.
Yes, I understand I can 'choose' to ignore the messages, but that is not the same as not seeing them at all. And no, I don't want to put a bunch of people on ignore just for pm'ing me during hop, I just want a "Do Not Disturb" option sometimes. Would even be nice for a auto-reply "this person has chat off" same as the "the person has a different language" message :)
Set yourself to a different language temporarily?
ever notice how the biggest pains have ALL languages selected?
Ihit - I need the special button PLEASE! (refer to my tavern post)
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