These Barbarians are out of hand!

These barbarians are completely out of hand! Here I sit and there are 13(?) beginning level mines at Left Bank and all but two are either taken or taken over by barbarians. Isn't that a bit much? "> It's not as if there are anywhere near enough mines for the amount of players who want to mine to begin with. ">
And ARGH, I meant to put this in Suggestions!! (wtf)
I may have complained about the barbarians when using my little miner alts... but now that I've switched my main over, I LOVE them. I'm suggesting to all lower level players to build your rep at pond or catching timers, or switch to another profession until you are big enough to handle the barbarians yourself. ">
I'm guessing that I will eventually get tired of killing barbarians for every little piece of coal and quartz, but I'm fortunate that people like Trongster will keep interfering in my fights, which will keep things interesting for a long time. ">

So, My apologies to DE for ever thinking you were crazy for bringing these out. I look forward to one day getting sydian as the reward for all the money I will need to spend to get to the 7k+ level ">
Storm Kat...but I'm fortunate that people like Trongster will keep interfering in my fights, which will keep things interesting for a long time.
I'm a not implying that there shouldn't be SOME, Storm Cat. I am just saying the the numbers I am seeing lately are ludicrous.
Oh, one more thing, I did spend a long time mining pond, but now I have higher level quests that require higher level items to be mined.
I think something needs to change with the barbarians. Today every single coal and quartz mine is taken by a barbarian, us lower levels cant take them without help so it costs all time and money. And even the few green mines i manage to get, the barbarians continually attack them. It is hard enough sharing the few available with everyone, let alone with the barbarians
Glad Im not a miner.
Tried to sneak a gift under the tree at Winery and a lvl 8 Brutul dam near got my good eye . Those barbarains sound mean.
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