Silence Hex

Need a hex that silence like Heavens Voice....

I would spend many reals to own this Silence Hex ">

I also want leaders to be able to punish clan mates with silences when guards aren't around.... that might have kept Marcus out of trouble
dumb idea
I mostly get the people (the people that are mad at me and nit the other way around) real pissed by not doing anything wrong so they say something bad so I can report them for silence... Works best for me.
i see people abusing it though :/
I was more thinking it would be fun hex to stop people from crying for help when bc'd. Quicker need to stall if helps not coming
If you get silenced, you can still talk in clanchat.
hmmmmm.....think you got a good idea going here. If it is should ask for a 40% cut ">
NeverwinI was more thinking it would be fun hex to stop people from crying for help when bc'd. Quicker need to stall if helps not coming

"> love it
Clan leaders should be able to silence people in clan chat but clan chat only....
Hehe sounds good!
Lux the Sarcastic,
We can silence them in clan chat, with a quick Boot.
this is a dumb idea in my opinion.
OneLastChancethis is a dumb idea in my opinion.

We heard you the first time.

A silence sphere would be excellent! And length of time should be dependent on your hero of the empire rep. Would be awesome if you got Hero rep for using one too! And could also be healed just like a regular hex! ">
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