Ways to build gold at low lvl?

While I am not ruling out spending on the game in the future,,I am really enjoying it.Is there a good way to raise gold in the lower lvls?
I have just hit 11,and need to spend gold I don't have on essences etc. for dragon and spectral trace..and i'll be about lvl 20 before i can afford it!
So any tips on lucrative endeavors?,(sounds better than where do I grind for gold eh?)
PS. Yes I have read some of the guides on here :P
Additional Q. Valour is important,I get that,but again it takes me just about all my money just to stay on top of repairs,any advice on that apart from don't lose ? :P
Rich low levels? No such thing ">
Hells LegionnaireRich low levels? No such thing ">

Dang! lol

Hells Legionnaire,

Try farming the essences you need and sell the excess, depending on your weapons / armour you can switch amulets for different essences; and there is always a small chance of a good drop.
TY will try it out.
Just kill mobs I do that to get my gold.
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