Clan Reputation

says rather clearly "Clan Reputation reflects the Clan's performance in Clan Wars and conquering the Roaming Archipelago."
1. Clan Wars. Winners of a Clan War receive Clan Reputation if their level doesn't exceed that of the defeated Clan. Total amount of earned Reputation depends on the performance of all Clan members during the War.

However, my clan has been in wars in wars in which we attacked and won against the same lvl clan. But we didn't get any clan rep.

By the way when you go to reps from the tab in game above the chat tabs and go to clan rep it doesn't include clan wars; only the Roaming Archipelago.
It's for clans with dockyard...
So the clan reputation does not grow until the dockyard is built regardless of clan wars done with the same level?
I figured that's how it works yes.
Ok thank you. That would make sense for it not growing since we don't have a dockyard....yet
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