Weapon damage rate

What do you calculate to determine your overall damage rate on your equipment? You equipment might say between 13-19. But overall damage rate would be something like 90-100. So what makes up or how do you calculate the damage rate? Ty
no such thing.....you die in pvp 8-10 items might get damages.....you die in PVE everything gets damaged
natsu he's talking about the amount of damage a weapon does... for example reinforced merciless axe says 14-20 but you would do a lot more..
i don't know sorry but more is better ">

Strength increases damage by a factor, and the 13-19 means it adds 13 to the low value of base damage and 19 to the high value.
Marcus the Wise,

Idiot marcus ;) he means like, for example you have all your gear on and your total damage on your stats is 120-195, but he hits more then 120 and 195, he wants the ratio of your stat damage like again, for example 120-195 say it makes u deal damage between 200-400 damage in battle, thats what he means, not ur smart factor talk but TBH, I don't think theres an exact ratio, Zerks can have the same damage as a Pally, and hit harder, atleast I think. I think its about the jewelry you use, but idk for sure.
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