A question af "treats"

I have noticed that in a couple of the posts about the recent problems Ihit has stated that they are looking into "treats" as compensation later in the week.

Now lets examine the treats they gave us last time and their effects.

The treats were all time limited and for PvP so I and I am sure others were left with the dilemma 'do I use them, take part in PvP or more PvP than I would normally be doing in this short time period (with the consequent costs incurred)' or 'ignore the treats and not have compensation for my losses'.

The treats also took up backpack spaces (3 if I remember correctly). This can cause serious problems for payment especially for lower level players who have not yet got mounts or extra bags but also players that like to manufacture and therefore have lots of ingredients.

My final point, and for me the worst thing about the treats, is that everyone gets them appropriate for their level, this means that they sort of cancel themselves out. I say sort of because what it really does is make the strong, stronger as the weaker players die in the PvP or don't use the bonuses.

No distinction is made between what the problems have cost the players, someone who doesn't even know about the faults until they log in after its fixed gets the same compensation as someone who was just starting a HoP and has spent gold on eyes/mounts/buffs and won't get the gold/essences/drops/reals they would have got.

Comments welcome.

If the admins are serious about getting us players to like them, they would code a compensation system into the game.

It would be a log of what items were received/items were bought/consumables were consumed and if there was a server error that cut short the time limit of any item or the person didn't receive a bought item, admins should push a button and everybody gets what they lost. This is the only way to compensate. If I kill someone's puppy and compensate them with a lifetime supply of ice cream, that isn't gonna cut it.
Why Not just give us some gold? It doesn't expire, can make more out of it, and spend it as you want to etc etc.
Point of clarification: when I requested Rice Krispy treats as compensation, I was in no way asking for a game buff. I want a fricking tray of peanut butter rice krispy treats, preferably with either peanut butter chips or Reeses Pieces mixed in.

I should lock you in a room with no peanut butter and then monitor your behavior
Marcus the Wise,

How do you think most people Skippy kills end up dead... you just found out
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