Sea Battler Queue Test! - Now 4:09 - Online please post here to list yourself

Well we tried to use standard LFG + contacts failed - don't know who's interested - wish we could have had a large list of people posting and volunteering - but we didnt get that large a list - we still have a go at this: NOW!!">">

So who wants to Queue in and help work out the schedule for a dedicated time slice + forum activity Queue please post to this topic/thread and with that you're cool with it for fun ">">

This Queue is mostly encouraging low level 22+ as well so please don't worry about mounts and such stuff ">">

Good Luck!!
Comments -- Further Info
Basic Intro:
Please don't forgot to Q aft posting LoL!">
im in
We got SB on sail! 5/9 - GL Lets see how it turns out ">">">
That was a cool battle indeed!!! ZBut the too real outcome - the senior sea farers all queued up too! But thats fine with us - we just got going to see what its like - later on when it becomes more stable - then we can schedule - request - and arrange more sea battles! Tyvm all who helped out "> ">
i would love to but atm saving for valor day and not enough cash for a mount let alone all needed for sb sorry guys wish i could
I've never done sea battles before but this sounds good. This way even the lower levels can have some fun.
So yeah, why not
whats this about its been going off all day
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