Group Forum In Tavern

I think I am going to suggest one more thing today - using the forum to co-ordinate and plan group activity ">">

Here's how - Post a topic in which you are looking for group members - Example Skrag Cave! Inform anyone reading it your plan and any additional information you think may be interesting such as doing Boss 2 as well and maybe considering Boss 4 if possible - Then the most important if you are making an appointment - The time you are planning to go in Server Time ">">

If you're just looking in general just briefly describe your plans - For who's looking to join in - Add your comments and suggestions and add the poster to your contacts list! Then find them at the designated time and request for the Invitation to join the group - You can find them by looking at the clan page and clicking the (i) (information) link. If you can't make it - let them know by posting back once more - ask if they'd like to reschedule! ">">">

Maybe there can be another section especially for this purpose in Forum ">">">
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